Thursday, July 28, 2011

Construction Cupcakes

     Last summer I really wanted a job where I got to be outside a lot. Complying with my wishes, my dad gave me a job in the production area of his company. Now his company builds houses so I figured being in production would mean that I just made sure everyone was doing what there were suppose to, not goofing off, or being on time. No my friends. I was a construction worker. I cleaned up trash, swept houses for hours in near triple digit weather, and had to wear long jeans and work boots every single day.
     It was long, hot, sweaty work. It was not fun and I cried a lot (even though I pretended to be tough). The positive side of this was the fact that I am one of the handiest college girls that I know. I can pretty much fix anything. I can grout a bathroom, paint, install doorknobs, caulk, and install garbage disposals. I can explain to you how to build a house, how to pass your permit tests, and what to look for if one of the contractors tries to give you a not so quality job.

No use crying over spilled paint?

     All and all, I have to say that it made me appreciate construction workers on a new level. And I am WAY handier then Matthew which makes me happy.

Always check your blueprints!

     I made these little construction cupcakes for my mom’s boyfriend, Andy. He does home renovation and actually just won an award in the town of Annapolis for the best home renovator or something, which is pretty cool. He was hoping to surprise the guys at his 7 AM work meeting with some cupcakes. I made them chocolate cake with a mocha icing. I figured the little kick of espresso might help the meeting out. I am just going to give you the recipe for the frosting because the cake is just a normal chocolate cake… or is it and I do not want to give away my secret recipe? Anyway, Enjoy!

Thank goodness I did not have to wear a hard hat!

 What You Need:
  • 1 ½ stick of room temperature butter
  • 1/3 cup of cocoa powder
  • A pinch of salt
  • 3 cups of confections sugar
  • ¼ of a cup of instant espresso
  • 2 tablespoons of room temperature heavy whipping cream.

How to Make It:
1.       Place your butter in a bowl and cream it until there are no chunks.
2.       Put in your cocoa powder, salt, and espresso. Mix thoroughly.
3.       Slowly add your sugar. I usually do it in three batches.
4.       When it thickens, add your whipping cream and continue to blend.
5.       If it is not thick enough or too buttery for your taste, add sugar. If it is too thick, add more whipping cream slowly.
6.       Put it on anything and EAT!

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