Monday, August 1, 2011

Mocha Chip Ice Cream

     July is National Ice Cream Month. WOAH! So I decided that it was an excuse for me to eat lots of ice cream. JK. But really… So I decided to make my absolute favorite favor that we have at this really old ice cream place in downtown Annapolis. It is called Storm Brothers ice cream and it is always packed and delicious.  

     Now I did not want to replicate their ice cream exactly because I like mine with more chocolaty chunks instead of their chocolate flakes in the Mocha Chip flavor (my fav). So I put A LOT of chocolate chips in mine. This recipe was super easy and fun to make. Also the best part is you do not need any crazy contraptions like an ice cream maker, or a coffee can, or rock salt to make this summer time treat. Just a bowl and a freezer J

     FYI, I made this on Saturday so it was still technically July aka National Ice Cream Month.
What You Need:
·         1 cup milk
·         1/4 cup ground coffee or instant coffee (I have been on a Mocha kick I guess)
·         1 cup sugar,
·         3 large eggs, beaten
·         1/8 tsp. salt
·         1 Tbs. vanilla extract
·         3 cups half and half
  • Chocolate chips

How to make it:
1.       Put you milk into a saucepan on medium heat and heat it until there are little bubbles around the edge of the milk. Stir while doing this to prevent burning on the bottom.
2.       When the bubbles are there, turn your heat off and add your coffee and half of your sugar.
3.       Slowly whisk your eggs into the mixture in a small stream so that it incorporates into the mixture and does not make scrambled eggs (ew).
4.       Add the rest of the sugar and the pinch of salt.
5.       Stir over medium heat until the mixture reduces and thickens.
6.       Add your vanilla and 1 cup of half and half.
7.       Let it cool for a couple minutes and then strain it.
8.       Put it in the bowl you want to use for freezing and add the rest of your half and half.
9.       Add your chocolate chips!
10.   Put it in the freezer and stir it every hour until it is the consistency that you like. Mine took about 10 hours.
Anyway this was soooo yummy and easy to make. Maybe I will make it again soon for a certain party... hmmmmm

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