Thursday, February 17, 2011

Vodka Sauce Alla Jessica

"The first American pasta factory was opened in Brooklyn, New York, in 1848, by a Frenchman named Antoine Zerega. Mr. Zerega managed the entire operation with just one horse in his basement to power the machinery. To dry his spaghetti, he placed strands of the pasta on the roof to dry in the sunshine."

     Being a college students and Italian, pasta is something that is eaten pretty frequently by Matthew and me. I keep telling myself that it is a sin to eat that many carbs but I mean I might as well while I'm young. If I don't eat it now then 10 years from now i am just going to be sad because I have to eat salads or something. All in all, I have created quite a few ways to make this calories filled love affair of mine.
    Voted the best by Garrett, Matthew, Brianna, Kelly, and Alexis is my Vodka Sauce. This is a sauce I have loved since I was young and i learned how to make it not to long ago only to believe that i have almost perfected it. It's very simple, inexpensive, and makes a lot in one batch. Anyway, "Divertanosi!" Enjoy!

You will need: 

  • one can of tomato sauce
  • two whole tomatoes
  • 1 1/2 cups of heavy cream
  • 1 cup of your favorite vodka
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • olive oil
  • oregano
  • crushed red pepper flakes
  •  Grated Parmigiana Cheese
  1. Chop the garlic into small pieces and put into a sauce pan that has some hot olive oil in it. Make sure you do not burn the garlic though. Saute for a couple minutes until the garlic is a nice tan color.  Turn down the heat so that it is on simmer.
  2. Open the can of tomato sauce and about a tablespoon of oregano and pour it in the pan. Stir. 
  3. Chop your tomatoes and place then with the tomato sauce in the pan.
  4. Pour in your vodka. stir. Then let it simmer for about 15 minutes to let the vodka infuse and also cook out a little.
  5. Then stir in your cream. If you wish for your sauce to be more pink and less red add more cream.
  6. Last but not least I add a lot of red pepper flakes and cheese. This is also up to you though.
  7. Now go eat it!

On another note, Today is my mother's day of birth. Happy Birthday Mom, I love you.


  1. You really did it! I will be an avid follower of your blog..XOXO
